Pursuing God
We are a people who are pursuing God because we have been captivated by Him who is rich in mercy and because of His great love for us. Our response to is to passionately pursue Him. This involves our following and obeying His word and the leading of His Holy Spirit because we cannot say we love Him if we do not follow and obey Him.
Loving the Community
We desire to be a people who love the community. When we love God, we love God's people who are the community of believers. Not only do we love one another, but His love in us enables us to love all of God's family; regardless of which local church they attend. Beyond this, we love those in our community regardless of their relationship with God.
Listowel community Church is led by a team of elders. We understand from Scripture that the primary leaders of the local church were elders (more than one). The leadership responsibility at LCC is invested in the elders, which includes the Lead Elder/Pastor who is the presiding Elder. This team needs to be in recognized accountable relationships that give oversight and care to them. This accountability consists of the recognized relationships that have developed with the family of churches known as ChristCentral Churches, part of New Frontiers. The elders have the responsibility to shepherd the flock, serve as overseers, be examples, equip the saints, and rule/guide and lead the local church.

Fred Erb
Rick Martin
Ralph Streicher
Matt Reimer
Lead Elder/Pastor
Fred and Vickie have been involved in church leadership since 1982. In September 1995 they became a part of LCC when Fred began to serve this Church. He serves as the lead elder / pastor and also represents LCC within the community. Vickie serves in the church as a worship leader and musician while working full time as an Optometric assistant. Together they have 2 grown children and 3 grandchildren.
Rick and Leona began their journey with LCC in 1982. Rick joined the eldership team in 1998. Both of them have served in various positions and capacities throughout the years. Currently they assist in leading one of the Connect groups. Rick and Leona both work for a local farm equipment manufacturing company. Leona works in accounts payable and Rick is a sales representative. They are parents of 4 children and are grandparents to 2.
Ralph and Christena have been part of LCC for 23 years. Ralph began serving as an elder in 2012. They both teach in the children’s ministry Sunday School classes. Ralph is self-employed with his own construction company and Christena works part time as a bookkeeper. They have 3 grown children and one grandchild.
Matt and Lanita have been part of the LCC family since 2010. Matt became joined the eldership team in 2021. In their time at LCC, they have served as youth leaders, Matt on the worship and AV teams, and Lanita as a Sunday School teacher as well as church scheduling and online presence. Matt is a heavy truck mechanic apprentice and Lanita is a stay at home mom to their 3 young children.