Sunday services:

what to expect
Our morning begins with worship led by a Worship Team that lasts approximately half an hour. During this time children remain with their parents. As the singing comes to a close, preschool children are signed into the nursery by a parent or guardian. Children JK to Gr 8 are dismissed to Sunday School after prayer time.
As the singing concludes, members are given an opportunity to contribute as the Holy Spirit leads them. This may involve Scripture reading that reinforces the truth sung in worship, a revelation of something the Lord wants to speak to the congregation or a prayer for a need revealed during worship. There is also an opportunity to share your testimony of God's blessing or an answered prayer. Following a time of Scriptural teaching, we end with a pastoral prayer.
As we follow Jesus we discover that his desire is for everyone to take personal responsibility to their own spiritual development and that of their family. So, beyond the planned opportunities for equipping, strengthening and establishing we expect each member to pursue God in their own personal lives and to love the community wherever they find themselves.
Connect group meetings
We also meet in smaller, informal groups to learn and fellowship together throughout the week.