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LCC began during the Charismatic Renewal. It started from a vision in the heart of two of the founding members, John Kuepfer and Cam Henderson. Two different groups had been meeting for a year or more and praying for the establishment of a Church Fellowship that would have solid Bible teaching and that would allow for the working of the Holy Spirit.
In 1980 they began meeting as a church and named themselves Atwood Family Bible Fellowship. The nuclear family and the family of God was important. The Bible was foundational and fellowship with one another was expected to continually develop. Shortly after they began to meet in Elma Public School for Sunday morning Worship.
In 1982 another group of believers named Listowel Fellowship disbanded as a church and the members joined Atwood Family Bible Fellowship. All of these developments happened under the leadership of Alvin and Lydia Frey. Alvin continued to lead the church until June 1986. During this time the church's foundation was established with apostolic ministry and elders were established.
From that time until 1994 the church was lead by Doug Johnson and the elders. In 1989 they purchased a building from a church that was closing and moved into Listowel changing their name to Listowel Community Church. Since September 1995 the church has been lead by an elder team with Fred Erb as the Lead Elder.
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