international missions
we are involved in various local and international endeavours as part of loving our community
We join the residents of a retirement home for hymn songs the third Tuesday evening of every month
Annual christmas brunch
On the second Sunday of December we put on our Annual Christmas Brunch. Instead of having our Sunday morning worship celebration we invite family and friends to the Agricultural Hall and serve a Christmas Brunch followed by a short program including Christmas Carols and a reading of the Christmas Story.
teddy bear play day
Each year we have a team that serves in the Cooking Zone at this annual event organized by the Town of North Perth. This fun and energetic day has over 1000 people attend, and it is our pleasure to participate together with our community.
voice in the wilderness ministries
in 1998 we developed a relationship with a missionary named Steven Frey in C.D. Valles in San Louis Potosi Mexico. Eventually this ministry became known as Voice in the Wilderness Ministries and became a part of Listowel Community Church. Over the years we have developed a strong relationship with the leaders and churches in this area of Mexico. LCC has had over 15 mission trips into this region since 2000. We have helped to feed the poor, assisted with vacation Bible Schools and evangelism. We have supported and trained church leaders and assisted in a Bible School. In time we helped build a base for a training centre and encourage missionaries and pastors and the people of God in this region.
Listowel Community Church is becoming involved in ministry in Peru, encouraging churches and leaders. We have had one leader from Peru stay with us and minister in our church and we are excited to see how this relationship develops.
good friday community service
LCC joins together with a number of other local churches each Good Friday to remember Jesus death on the cross. This service is held at Listowel District High School and has approximately 800-900 people in attendance. It is a time to worship together with the larger Body of Christ in this community.
the community luncheon
A number of years ago a group of ladies in our community served a lunch for the less fortunate and marginalized. Some ladies from our church were a part of this and when needed they took over the care and organization of this ministry.